Saturday, October 28, 2017

Proud on not being an Indian anymore?

Over few years, I have seen many people on Facebook posting their joyfulness on receiving foreign citizenship...American, Canadian, Australian... Yeeeee, I am American!! And so much celebrations and people congratulating them? On what? Of leaving the country you were born to? Of calling a new country your homeland, your motherland?
Well I am old school in my thoughts on this, if thats what you say. I really think of this as BrainDrain. Isn't it so? You reach that stage and are educated because of the country you were born to. Aren't you suppose to serve your nation?
I wish to ask these people...You went to a new country for better opportunities, but don't you feel like a traitor when you get some other country's citizenship? Or do you feel as sad on not being an Indian anymore, as you are happy on being an American?
And why this sense of achievement? What have you achieved? No country is bigger/ better than the other. They are in different states of development. By this means being born in Australia should be an achievement for a new born?
In India, you keep calling yourself South Indian, even if you have always lived in North India.  But you are very eager to leave your origins behind when you get an American citizenship!!
And another achievement for you all people is getting a foreign degree! So this country does not recognize your Graduation, so you Graduate again? I mean, really? I would love to study in a foreign university provided they recognize my education degrees and teach me something new. And that university be something like Oxford. What's the pride in getting the same degrees from a regular foreign university? You all are agreeing that what you learnt was useless? Well  Great!
I don't mean to hurt my friends and all other people, but I hope you will understand when I may not join others in congratulating you all new citizens.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Brainstorming the stormed minds!

#RandomThoughts Just thinking why don't the companies use the minds of the people on their rolls - their own staff to further the business. Businesses look to inspiration outside, hire consultants and do MBA learnt exercises to get ideas. But fail to take into account the "Captive" minds who think and live the company every day.
To be fair, many companies do strategic sessions and brainstorming sessions but with top executives of the company. So brainstorming the stormed minds. The people who have learnt their wisdom through years of experience would more often than not have a set pattern of thinking. Its the same difference as in a child and an adult. A child's dreams have no boundary but an adult puts unconscious self limits on his dreams too.
What companies need to tap is the fresh minds in the workforce. For crying out loud, how taxing it would be to have a suggestion box, open to all. In fact, the first rule of brainstorming is to speak out all ideas, even if you think they are Stupid!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Life today....

Life today seems to be at standstill. These days are one of the days when you have everyone around and you are alone, you have all to be content of but still you are restless. And you can't ward off the restlessness however and whatever you try.

After months of thinking and deliberation of can i write and what can i write I have today finally created a blog and i hope it gives me some creative fulfillment and purpose and my mind starts working again....